Karsten et al.

> We were all in withdrawal on Friday's downtime....
> > I use a dialup, am waiting for a s/h modem that is coming my way,
> > 28.8 whatever it was that compaq bought out and shut down. 
> Hmm...28.8 is *really* slow.  You should be able to find 56.6
> either new or used, I'd strongly recommend it.

I live in the 3rd or maybe 4th world.  My ISP doesn't even have a 
56.6 modem rack to connect to and the phone lines can barely make 
it to 33.3. the 28.8 Microcom will do fine for email (used to have 
a 9600)

I've kept the Trident video card which lscpi shows nicely

Will stay in console mode until I find an old computer at an 
auction with some memory inside.  Plenty to learn.  I thought that 
one could have the mouse in midnite commander like in the old dos 
pctools, but probably not.

Will have go at the printing problem this w.e. dman made some 
suggestions to follow. Really need some hardcopy READMEs.

thanks a lot

   Ian Balchin
   Fables Bookshop, 119 High Street, Grahamstown, 6139, South Africa
   email  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   Phone or Fax +27-(0)46-636-1525
   cell:  083-495-7353  sms [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Founder Member Southern African Book Dealers Association
   A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever.
                                  -- Martin Tupper `Of Reading'

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