On Fri, Oct 26, 2001 at 08:41:30PM -0400, Antonio Rodriguez wrote:
> Thought may be interesting for the debian community:
> NEW YORK (October 26, 2001 4:29 p.m. EDT) - Microsoft's premiere Web portal,
> MSN.com, denied access to millions of people who use alternative browser
> software such as Opera and told them to get Microsoft's products instead.
> http://www.nandotimes.com/technology/story/158273p-1497208c.html

Yeah, and the fun part is that they're doing it in the name of W3
standards.  The MS press anouncements say that non standards-compliant
browsers will give their users a sub-optimal experience on the site, so
they won't let them in.  The thing is, if you run their HTML through the
W3's validator, you'll see that it most definitely is not standards

I was talking to a member of the W3 the other day, and apparently Tim
Berners-Lee is quite livid.  I haven't seen any official statements from
them, but they'll be saying something, I'm sure.

Also, apparently MS is actually going to allow non-IE browsers in after
all.  Apparently their actions generated quite a response from the user


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