On Fri, 2001-10-26 at 15:12, Adam Warner wrote:
> On Sat, 2001-10-27 at 02:37, Vittorio wrote:
> > In my laptop I've three partitions
> > hda1= Debian Potato all directories but /home
> > hda2= /home currently referring to Potato
> > hda3= Woody all in this partition
> > 
> > Now I'd like to refer both potato and woody to the same /home
> > partition (hda2) and of course to the same user victor (that's me!).
> > 
> > Is that possible?

I have Mandrake Cooker on hda1 and Debian Unstable on hda2, my /home is
another partition hda3 and I just mount it on /home in both operating

As long as the programs you use are compatible (i.e. no major changes in
file formats etc) everything works fine.

Ross Burton                     Software Engineer
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