Hash: MD5

 Heya,well,it's me again.I just cant's stand dial-uping from windows.
 So,once again and for the last time i am trying to find help in here.
 The issue it's my modem.An USRobotics 14400 isa internal Winmodem.
 I know what you're thinking of,but wait,please.
 Well,i didn't find anyhting useful at linmodems.org nor other
  support websites.If i'd know for sure that there's no hope i'll let
  it go.I don't have the money,yet,to buy a full hard modem,and it
  seems that i'm stuck with this little bug :>
  I tried some normal steps in configuring the modem.
  I did pnpdump it,then activate it with isapnp,and it said that
  winmodem board bla bla enabled -- OK,then set it with setserial
  on several combination of irqs,and ports,even ttySs,and like two
  of them made some difference.
  Well,after setserial setup it clicked,like it did some click noise.
  So it responds in a way.
  Current setup is:
  irq 5,port 0x0110,uart 16650,ttyS3

  wvdial shows me the following:
- --> WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.41
- --> Initializing modem.
- --> Sending: ATZ
- --> Modem not responding.
   at this moment the modem clicks once,and after the "modem not
   responding" line.
   Here are my other data:
Character devices:
  1 mem
  2 pty
  3 ttyp
  4 ttyS
  5 cua
  7 vcs
 10 misc
 14 sound
 29 fb
128 ptm
136 pts

Block devices:
  1 ramdisk
  2 fd
  3 ide0
  7 loop
  9 md
 36 ed
  0:     109165          XT-PIC  timer
  1:       2945          XT-PIC  keyboard
  2:          0          XT-PIC  cascade
  7:      42121          XT-PIC  soundblaster
  8:          1          XT-PIC  rtc
 12:       1455          XT-PIC  PS/2 Mouse
 13:          1          XT-PIC  fpu
 14:     260993          XT-PIC  ide0
NMI:          0
0000-001f : dma1
0020-003f : pic1
0040-005f : timer
0060-006f : keyboard
0070-007f : rtc
0080-008f : dma page reg
00a0-00bf : pic2
00c0-00df : dma2
00f0-00ff : fpu
0110-0117 : serial(set)
01f0-01f7 : ide0
0220-022f : soundblaster
02f8-02ff : serial(set)
0330-0333 : MPU-401 UART
03c0-03df : vga+
03f6-03f6 : ide0
03f8-03ff : serial(set)
e000-e007 : ide0
e008-e00f : ide1
setserial /dev/ttySx where i queried ttyS0,ttyS1,ttyS2 and ttyS3 shows
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS1, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x02f8, IRQ: 3
/dev/ttyS2, UART: unknown, Port: 0x03e8, IRQ: 4
/dev/ttyS3, UART: 16550, Port: 0x0110, IRQ: 5
Well,i must not forget to mention that when i enter minicom the modem
clicks again,and hangs,like i can't type any of the AT commands in.
If i exit,then it clicks again,and then it hangs in a black screen..
If anyone can help me,any hints,urls,advices..
I'd appreciate it.
Thank you all for your patience.
winmodems support? :))

Version: 2.6


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