On Mon, Mar 10, 2003 at 07:40:13PM +0300, ????????? ????? wrote:
> Hi!
> I have a weird sound problem: no sound at all.
> Sound drivers loaded ok, all programs (mplayer, mpg123, aumix, saytime,
> etc) are working without any errors, and -- no sound at all.
> I have woody, kernel 2.4.18, SB Live! 5.1.

Hi there.
This is probably a dumb question, but you *did* make sure to pop open a
mixer (amixer or alsamixer are alsa's own ones) and unmute some channels,
turn up some volume... yes?
I have the same card, same kernel, and I had nothing but static after I got
alsa to load and run, but I had to go wading through alsamixer figuring out
what to unmute, what to turn up... Took a surprisingly long time, given
that the SB Live! has some 61 mixer channels to play with, many with
rather cryptic names.


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  • ... Александр Жуков
    • ... ScruLoose
    • ... matt zagrabelny
      • ... Александр Жуков

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