on Thu, Oct 18, 2001 at 11:45:04PM -0400, Scott Henson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

> I am about to install debian on a 4 gig hard drive.  I have looked
> around at How-tos and other documentation.  But I have been unable to
> find any solid sugestions on how to size the partitions.  All of them
> give one or two vague recomedations, and say that there are many wars
> about the proper way to do it.  

You obviously haven't been looking in the right place: 



This details two systems, one with 6 GB storage, the other with 20 GB,
which should give you an idea of variances with storage size.  I've also
just installed Debian on a dual-boot laptop, with about 4GB available:

    Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
    /dev/hda9                65846     30486     31960  49% /
    /dev/hda11               21929      1322     19475   7% /boot
    /dev/hda12               65846     13342     49104  22% /tmp
    /dev/hda13              758936    290104    430280  41% /var
    /dev/hda14             2016488   1216856    697196  64% /usr
    /dev/hda15              580364    114368    436516  21% /home

See the link above for more detail.  All systems are running Debian.

> I also remember reading something about having to size a partition
> larger because of apt's cache.  I would apreciate any advice on the
> debian size of partitions.  

Yes, in general, you want to be somewhat generous with /var.  The 750 MB
above is pretty sufficient and handles the apt cache well.  You can thin
it down to 500MB if you don't mind manually clearing the cache


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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