Thus spake Hall Stevenson:
> > I was wondering if anyone would know how to adapt
> > /etc/procmailrc so that following up a link in Mutt would
> > invoke Mozilla rather than Lynx.
> I think you mean 'urlview' instead of '/etc/procmailrc', don't
> you ??
> Look for a file called '' on your system (is
> urlview included with mutt or a seperate package ?). In it,
> the default setup has an entry that looks like this:
> http_prgs="/usr/bin/lynx:XT /usr/X11R6/bin/netscape:XW"
> If you always run mutt inside X, I would simply remove the
> portion about 'lynx'.
> Regards
> Hall comes in urlview - at least under woody.  Quite nice -
you don't need to remove the reference to lynx, just make sure the gui
path is first - it searches in order.  Also, make sure it's the correct
path - I had to edit it here to make it work.
Good luck,

Cops never say good-bye. They're always hoping to see you again in the line-up.
                -- Raymond Chandler

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