On Fri, Oct 19, 2001 at 12:15:43PM +1000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| Earlier I set my tabstop to 4 to give me some more screen room in my C
| program .c files.  The problem is that when I print out the source code
| (eg. for a Uni assignment) or when someone else edits it, the tabstops
| are by default 8 spaces.


| What is the best way to deal with this?

Tabs are 8 spaces.  Period.  Learn to live with it.  (my opinion, Will
Trillich, for one, disagrees)

| What I have currently in my /etc/vimrc is the following:
| """""""""""""""""""" C programming stuff """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
| syntax on               "syntax highlighting
| "set tabstop=4  (default is 8)
| set softtabstop=4
| set shiftwidth=4
| set pastetoggle=<F4>
| So you can see that I have commented out the previous tabstop setting of
| 4 so that the default is now active, but have added the softtabstop=4
| option and left shiftwidth=4.

Yes, that is good.

| I think that this adds 4 spaces when you press tab.  And if an automatic
| indentation occurs (while writing c source code), it will add 4 spaces
| if the indentation is less than 8 spaces from the side or a combination
| of tabs and spaces if the indentation is more than 8 spaces from the
| side.

You got it.

| Is this correct?

Is it what you want?  Most people would say NO.  Never mix tabs and
spaces -- it is a recipe for disaster (or headaches at least).

| If not how do you do it properly?
| How do all you guys do it?

Well, I do it properly, of course <wink>.

You want to set 'expandtab' too so that all tabs are expanded to
spaces.  Then you will get spaces and only spaces and everything will
work nicely.

| Basically, I just want my source code, to look to everyone else, as
| it looks to me, when they edit it, or I print it out.  But I want to
| be able to use more of the screen by using tabspaces of 4.

s/tabspaces/indentation level/

Don't get stuck in the low-level details.

Here's what I do:

" Global defaults, applies to everything

syntax on

if version >= 600
    filetype on
    filetype plugin on
    filetype indent on

set autoindent
set tabstop=8                   " Tabs are always 8 characters!!!
set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4  " default character indentation level
set expandtab                   " use spaces instead of tabs for indentation
set showmatch                   " show matching parens/brackets

" the following applies only to C source
augroup C
    au FileType c set sts=4 sw=4 tw=80 fo=croq

    if version >= 600
        "au FileType c set foldenable foldmethod=indent
        au FileType c set foldenable foldmethod=syntax
        au FileType c syn region Block start="{" end="}" transparent fold
        "au FileType c syn region Comment start="/\*" end="\*/" fold
augroup END


First I set some default values the way I want them for all buffers.
Then I have a series of auto commands to set certian properties for
certain buffer types.  For C programs, set the indent level
(shiftwidth and softtabstop) to 4 spaces.  Also set the textwidth to
80 and set the formatoptions so my comments automatically are

Version 6 has some neat new features including plugins and folding.
The plugins I enabled so that when a C source file is opened, some
good default options are set.  (this applies to other types as well)
Folding is the ability to "collapse" a block of source into a single
line of display.  This allows for better usage of vertical screen real
estate.  I enable the folding so that the curly braces define a fold
region.  Then 'zo' opens a fold and 'zc' closes a fold.

There are much more details in the help documents (type ":help


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