At 16:44 16.10.2001, Timeboy wrote:

 - Re: Mailx problem -

 On Saturday Oct 13 07:45 Antti Tolamo wrote:
 > **
 > ** I have problem sending mail with mail command. Any other
 > ** user than root gets '/usr/sbin/sendmail/: Permission denied'.

 Do you made a

 # addgroup <username> mail


Nah, I had odd problem. My /usr/sbin
had suddenly no right to execute binaries.
Gnome terminal and mailx started to
function as I enabled it.

Not sure what caused it or why.
It's *very* odd.

 > ** --------------------------
 > ** Sex, rags and rock'n roll!
 > ** --------------------------

 Save yourself, don't have sex!


I tried command

' save_myself > sex  '

but I only got:

bash: save_myself : command not found

How can I save myself from sex  with debian?
What Debian package(s) I need? If I install
them all, does it help?



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Sex, rags and rock'n roll!

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