On Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 03:46:01PM +0100, David Harrigan wrote:
> Hiya,
> Well, I just went out and bought TPF (The Phantom Menace) on DVD. Now, I'm
> left
> wondering - I could play this on my Windows ME machine, or I could play this
> on my
> Linux (Debian :) machine. I know which one I would prefer....<grin>
> Therefore, I'm asking
> this esteemed group which combo of DVD Player software does it for you..plus
> what
> limitations does your chosen bit of software have?
My favourites are xine and mplayer.
xine is GUI based and has a cool looking, starts to support DVD menus but
sometimes segfaults with the d4d plugin (you need this for css DVDs)

mplayer is command line based has a few less features but it is very robust
with the css stuff.
Search at freshmeat.net.

I don't know about realy new deb packeges so I recommend to try out the
CVS Version of both tools.


> bitte die liste f?r mich sofort abbestellen , da mich die haufen mails 
> erdr?cken
Oh Mann, AOL Wochen in der SuSE-ML, wird wohl langsam Zeit die Mail im Footer 
zu nutzen ;)
[EMAIL PROTECTED] und Waldemar Brodkorb in suse-linux nach dem 2. AOL-Troll in 

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