While specialized tools like pon are fine for their special cases, Debian and other UNIX systems also have some different, generally usable way of granting normal users the right to perform some specific command as root, given roots prior permission.
For Debian systems I would recommend the super package. Step by step instructions: 1. Install package super 2. Figure out which command you would do as root to bring up / down the line. 3. Edit /etc/super.tab to specify the command and which users may run it. 4. ln -s /usr/bin/super /usr/local/bin/yourcommand 5. Now those listed can type $ yourcommand to run the configured command line as root. Hope this helps Jakob On Sat, Oct 13, 2001 at 09:21:00AM +0200, Iam wrote: > Hi at all, > I'm using a Woody Linux distribution. > I want to know if it's possible to give non-root users > access to the Internet through ADSL connection in the > same way as they can pon/poff a normal PSTN connection. > In fact I, as a root user, use pon dsl-provider to > connect to the Internet but even if I add a normal user > to the dip group (so he can use the pon command) he > cannot connect to the Net. > I think this is a ethx access permission trouble so this > is my question: > how can I permit to a normal user pon/poff an ADSL > connection as if it was a simple analog modem connection > without gaining root privileges ? > > Thanks a lot. > > Luca De Giorgi -- This message is hastily written, please ignore any unpleasant wordings, do not consider it a binding commitment, even if its phrasing may indicate so. Its contents may be deliberately or accidentally untrue. Trademarks and other things belong to their owners, if any.