Shaul Karl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Package: lynx-ssl > Version: > > Does the following a lynx bug or is there a way to get lynx behave like > other browsers?
It could be a Lynx bug, certainly. Whether or not one should dub some behaviour in a brower's interaction with html a bug is too complicated a subject for me but following one of the links you referred to in "Links" (another text based browser with this very silly name) worked ok. so at least you could say that Lynx is less fault tolerant than "Links" in this instance. > Reproducing the problem: > > 1. Go to > 2. In the search box have something reasonable, say tv. > 3. Hit Find It. > 4. You should get a list of suggested items. > 5. Randomly choose one of the items. > > Now try following the link marked as `view seller's other auctions'. > > This results in an error screen. Prior to the error screen there is > an error message at the status line at the bottom of the screen, saying > > Alert! HTTP 1.0 400 bad request. Lynx either inserts or does not strip a space between the "&userid=" and the actual identity in the referring url so in Lynx for instance such a url may look like this: gypsyseller Note the space between the '=' and 'gypsyseller'. You can remedy the situation by hitting 'E' while staying on the link to edit it and then remove the space. I'll send your message to lynx-dev to see if anyone has any comments. Regards, Morten -- "To create man was a quaint and original idea, but to add the sheep was tautology." (Mark Twain)