> DVD software on a computer gives me Freedom from
> 1) Forced advertisements
> 2) Forced FBI warnings

Since I don't have a PC-based DVD player, I skipped the first
messages in this thread. What software is recommended that
does the two things above ??

I know for (1), it depends on who's movie it is. Some are very
good about it and go (almost) directly to the 'menu'. Disney's
are probably the worst.

Since (2) only lasts a few seconds, I don't give it much
thought. My daughter figured out that using the buttons on the
player itself will skip most stuff, but not the FBI warning.
If you try it with the remote, you get a little graphic
onscreen like 'no-remote'.

I have considered a DVD drive for my PC, but my wife's
response is simply "Why ??". ;-) This was when they cost a bit
more money too. Now that they can be had for $75, I could get
one w/o 'consulting' with her...


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