On Wed, Oct 10, 2001 at 08:02:46PM +0200, pirmin2 wrote:
> ls -las /home
> total 100
>    4 drwxr-sr-x    6 root     root         4096 Oct 10 19:03 .
>   60 drw-rw----   24 root     root        57344 Oct 10 18:46 ..

Oops...  Looks like I missed a big one last time...  If I read the
above line correctly, the permissions on / are rw-rw----, which is a
Bad Thing.  It denies access to any part of the filesystem to all
users.  (root still works because those restrictions don't apply to
the superuser.)  Try a `chmod 755 /` and see if that helps.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Mr. Slippery

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