Stan> I'm trying to set up a Debian machine (potato with 2.4.9
  Stan> kernel) as an Amanada tapehost to replace a HP-UX
  Stan> machine.
  Stan> At the moent it's mostly working, except that it can't
  Stan> see itself, as far as Amanda is concerned.
  Stan> Sugestions?

  Bill> Did you make sure that the host was listed in the
  Bill> $HOME/.amandahosts file (probably best if you put both the FQDN
  Bill> and the non-FQDN versions in the file).
  Bill> We didn't need/use the .amandahosts file before we switched to
  Bill> Debian (although I believe that is more a function of the version
  Bill> of Amanda than the OS beneath the covers).

  Stan> Yes the neweer versions do default to that type of
  Stan> authentication. Yes it's setup OK. Heres the debug file,
  Stan> and ideas?
  Stan> amcheck: debug 1 pid 543 ruid 1001 euid 0 start time Tue Oct  9 
13:41:54 2001
  Stan> amcheck: dgram_bind: socket bound to
  Stan> amcheck-clients: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: 
Invalid argument 
  Stan> amcheck-clients: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: 
Invalid argument 
  Stan> amcheck-clients: dgram_send_addr: sendto( failed: 
Invalid argument 
  Stan> amcheck: pid 543 finish time Tue Oct  9 13:42:24 2001

Nope.  No ideas....

How about some basics:

I assume at this point that your backups work EXCEPT for the

I also assume that your tapehost is set up correctly
(/etc/services, for example) and that you have the appropriate
debian packages loaded (amanda-client, amanda-common, &
amanda-server - I think).

Just some random thoughts.  Maybe they will spark something on
your part.


- Bill
Bill Benedetto     <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.
I don't speak for Goodyear and they don't speak for me.  We're both happy.

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