[Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 06:34:52PM +0200] martin f krafft :

> this is a note from iptables, not from dhclient. 

Thanks for this help.  Yes, it pops up again when I start ipmasq which
calls up iptables on a 2.4.x setup.  Goes off when the ipmasq service is
switched off.

> is tryinig to multicast on your network, which you block at the packet
> filter level. the above is an IGMP packet

Do you mean  to say that one  of the packages which I  have installed is
causing this non-blockage at the IGMP layer ?  What should I do now ?  I
am  going to  do  a purge  of  all network  security  related stuff  and
sniffers.   In the  meantime, can  you give  me some  pointers  to docs,
etc.. ?

Tnx anyway for your help...

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