On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 12:18:33PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote:
> Some might think so.
> Unsubscribe problems are legion, or at least common.  The best bets are
> to follow the instructions at the bottom of every email, ping
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], and if that doesn't work, escalate to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (that will get you Ben Collins these days).  Give it a
> day or so.  
> It's strongly advisable to describe what you've tried if you post to
> list -- rants or 'unsubscribe' messages posted to list are generally not
> well received.
i did described what has been done.  see my post.  apparently you can do
only so much if you have a limited dial-up account unlike those on dsl
or cable modem.

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