on Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 05:00:49PM +0300, Jussi Ekholm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> Sean 'Shaleh' Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > blackbox should give some form of message on the screen stating why 
> > it failed.  This sounds vaguely familiar.  
> When I start X with rxvt as an window manager, 

rxvt is a terminal emulator, not a window manager.

> and run blackbox from the terminal, I get this message and X just
> freezes; mouse moves bouncing around slowly and I have to press
> C-M-Backspace for couple of times before it shuts X down. The message;
> Failed to open catalog, using default messages
> And it doesn't go further. Any insight?
> > Give this list and the blackbox@trolltech.com list a search.
> I will, thanks.

What happens if you start a bare-nekkid X session:

    $ X

...from a console.  Try (again from console) starting a terminal
emulator (e.g.:  rvxt, xterm).  From the terminal window, you should be
able to start window manager(s).  I like to keep, say, twm and fvwm
around strictly for such testing.

If it's just blackbox, try 'strace' on the program and look for
suspicious output.  You may want to run this (again) from a console
rather than the X session.

    $ strace blackbox -display :0 2>&1 | tee bbox.strace


Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>        http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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