On Mon, Oct 08, 2001 at 10:33:04AM -0500, Rich Puhek wrote:
> True, that would be the correct netmask if he was in the old
> class B, but doesn't the network address take precedence in determining
> the netmask (as far as the configuration scripts go, not as far as IP
> addressing goes)?

Although may be more convenient for humans (and thus more
"correct"), any address is technically usable for any network that
contains it - ( & = ( & = ( &, where "&" means "bitwise
AND".  Even if you assume the network address has already been
normalized by having already done the AND, could still
be any size network up to a Class C (or /24 in CIDR terminology).

Without being given either the netmask or the broadcast address, you
can't definitively deduce either one.  Which brings up the question
of why the config script didn't ask for a netmask...

> Sounds like Stan did enter in his network address
> correctly, so it's strange that his broadcast got set to the default
> "Class B" mask.

Probably just a dumb config script.

When we reduce our own liberties to stop terrorism, the terrorists
have already won. - reverius

Innocence is no protection when governments go bad. - Mr. Slippery

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