I am having a bear of a time getting the file manager to launch acroread instead of xpdf when I double click on a .pdf file. It insists on running xpdf. I went to the Control Center->File Types and selected the application/pdf mime type. The default action is set to "Open with Application" and I made sure that I had Adobe Acrobat Reader selected from the popug menu. However, that didn't work; the file manager still launched xpdf.
I tried editing the list and unchecking all applications except for acroread. No joy. I tried adding a "My Acroread" application to the list, with no luck. In desperation, I did apt-get --purge remove xpdf, and the control center doesn't even list xpdf as a candidate in the application popup menu. However, when I double click a .pdf file, it says Unable to open "/path/to/file.pdf" with the command "xpdf %f". To fix this, bring up the mime-properties editor, blah blah blah... I even tried logging in with a freshly-created account, with no success. Is there somebody out there that can give me a clue as to what's going on? Thanks, Dave Carrigan