* Petre Daniel ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) spake thusly:
> okeyah.i looked in windows with sisoft and i discovered that it is on com3
> ,it uses irq5 and i/o 0110-0117
> here are /var/log/messages and /var/log/syslog attached.i'm booting into deb
> now to recheck things..thx a lot
> ...
> i tried irq5 and commented out in /etc/isapnp.conf and rebooted
> pppconf still doesn't sees it and wvdial says something about a i/o error
> what next?

I suggest you reset your modem to use a standard com port and disable
that port in bios -- unless of course you are using both com ports.
Better still, get an external modem from e.g. eBay.

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