I've tried to set up Star Office 5.2. I first downloaded
so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin from the Sun's website. Then I made the
downloaded file executable, and ran it as root, with option /net. Now,
if I try to run soffice or setup, as an ordinary user or a root, all I
get is message sying:

The installation program cannot find the script file in which all of the
instructions required for the installation have been saved.
The file was looked in the following directory:
The installation program cannot be executed without this file, it will
now be terminated.

What am I doing wrong?

Petteri Heinonen                                 tel:    +358 50 3363286

email:        [EMAIL PROTECTED]         addr:   Varvikonkatu 1 C 19

33820 Tampere FIN

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