from the mod_perl e-list, i saw this announcement about aphid -- it's a way to get mod_ssl and mod_perl into an apache server. anybody used it on debian? yays? nays? comments?
----- Forwarded message from "Thomas, Peter L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ----- From: "Thomas, Peter L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:31:55 -0500 To: mod_perl <> Subject: [ANOUNCE] aphid 0.13a (minor release) aphid downloads, compiles, and installs a secure Apache and Perl development "sandbox" anywhere on a unix system where the user has permission to write and enough space to store a complete system (around 300MB). The best use for aphid is as a quick facility for getting an SSL-ready Apache server and complete Perl environment under a specific directory, staying out of the way of the host machine's existing system files and environment. Note that mod_perl and mod_ssl are both compiled statically into the resulting httpd binary. To date Aphid has been tested on Rehat Linux 6 and 6.2, FreeBSD 4.0, and Solaris 2.6 and 7. CHANGES: 0.13a 08/14/2001 Removed dependencies on the RSARef library. Fixed blank lines with spaces slipping by the host queue regex. Corrected numbering error in log message when a remote file has to be requeued for HTTP download. Changed install to write its log in the same directory from which it's invoked (instead of under /lib/install). Numerous third-party releases brought up to date with the currently released stable version. Edited the documentation. Thanks. -Pete Thomas ----- End forwarded message ----- -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #79 from Joost Kooij <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : When using a display manager (xdm, kdm, gdm) are your SHELL DEFAULTS IGNORED IN X? Put . ~/.bashrc into your ~/.bash_profile so that new logins get noy only the login environment but also the shell environment; and add . ~/.bash_profile into your ~/.xsession, which makes sure that the X session gets a login environment. Also see ...