On Sat, Sep 29, 2001 at 10:42:55PM +0530, Jeffrin Jose T. wrote:
>  How to fix emacs such that it does not 
>  typically do lines longer than 75 columns ?

I think what you're looking for is the 'set-fill-column' and
'auto-fill-mode' option.  The trick is applying it.  Someone on this
list can add to my post -- I don't know how to apply it to the current
buffer, because it requires an arguments (the number of characters per
column).  I use it in my .emacs file:

(add-hook 'text-mode-hook
          `(lambda ()
             (column-number-mode 1)
             (line-number-mode 1)
             (menu-bar-mode 0)
             (auto-fill-mode 1)
             (set-fill-column 92)))

This tells it to wrap at 92 characters when I'm in text mode.  I don't
want it to wrap when I'm in programming (C, java, perl, whatever) mode,
so I leave that hook out of the 'C-mode-hook.  



Ben Hartshorne  ...Discarding smoothly, as we disembark,
[EMAIL PROTECTED] All thoughts that held us wiser for a moment
ben.hartshorne.net Up there, alone, in the impartial dark. -M. Oliver
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