 Anyone here succesfully using this combination, and if so, could you
tell me how?
 I have the xine source, I have the em8300 modules built and
installed, but I cannot compile xine with --enable-dxr3.
 It carps about undefined reference to sup_button_t, or similar, and
an IOCTL_BUTTON.. or the like, neither of which seem to be
defined/mentioned in any other files than dxr3_decoder.c, I think it
is (sorry, I'm writing this at another computer, so working from

Anyhow, another friend said he had this problem, and fixed it, but
can't remember how. The xine-lib compiles fine with --disable-dxr3,

This is xine-lib from unstable, I'm talking about. 9.1m I think.

Also, possibly related - is it possible to get 5.1 sound like this? I
have the 5.1 speaker set up, works fine in windows using software
player, I'm not sure about hardware players..
 I have the digital out from the dvd drive (pioneer 106s I think) to
the sblive, the audio out to the dxr3. there is no cable between the
dxr3 and the sblive.. sound works this way under windows, but I'm not
sure I'm getting the full 5.1 audio thing. I'm right in thinking the
sblive driver doesn't support 5.1 sound yet, am i? if not, does the
dxr3 driver support it?

Cheers muchly..

Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the
error code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be
short and stout.

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