I've added a couple of 80 GB IDE hard drives to an NFS server running Debian stable with a 2.2.19 kernel. It now has 3 IDE drives and one SCSI drive and we want it to have about 14 local filesystem mounts (including swap, proc, and devptr -- if those count as mounts) and normally two NFS filesystems mounted via automount for a total of about 16 mounts. I'm not able to mount all of the partitions that I have made filesystems for. When I try and mount one of the new unmounted filesystems, I get the following:
beech root % mount -t ext2 /dev/hdb3 /export/home6 mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hdb3, or too many mounted file systems The max number of local mounts I seem to be able to get are 14 mounts (12 local and 2 NFS). So it seems that I've run up against a limit for mounted filesystems. I have tried to find something about this on the web, but have so far been unsuccessful, so I thought I'd ask the list. Anyone have a pointer to some information on how I can fix this? Thanks...