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> I have an Intel Nightshade server motherboard installed in an Intel
> server case, running Debian 2.2r3 (potato).
> Its on-board Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 ethernet card works fine on
> its own.
> When I install an Intel EtherExpress Pro 100 PCI card and configure
> two ethernet interfaces, the PCI card answers to both IP addresses!
> ifconfig returns separate hardware addresses for the two
> interfaces, yet when I disconnect the cable to the on-board card,
> both interfaces continue to function through the PCI card!
> *snip*
> I'm running kernel version 2.2.19 with the eepro100 driver compiled
> into the kernel, not as a module, but this does not seem to be the
> cause of the problem; other machines running with this code
> compiled into the kernel have no problem with two EEpro100's.
> This is certainly freaky...

I have had *exactly* the same problem on a number of Intel ISP1100's,
with dual on board eepro100's, on both 2.2 and 2.4.

I've never looked into it, as in the setup I was using; it was more
of an advantage than a problem, made my life a lot easier :)

I would be interested to know why though, as it may be a problem one


Theo Zourzouvillys
Global Network Consultant

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