> To adapt a program to Debian the author needs a core dump.
> He says the program *will* crash on Debian when started.
> But since I switched to Debian I didn't see any crashes :-)
> Is core dumping enabled by default on potato, and where
> can I configure that?

the command to use is ulimit, with the -c option
'ulimit -c 1024' will allow the creation of core dumps not bigger than
1024 kb for any child of the shell.

> Where will the dump be written to?

in the current directory of the crashed process, in a file named 'core'.

> Where can I get this info from without bothering the list
> with such basic questions?  I'm quite sure it is on my HD
> somewhere (well I know I could have grep'ed for it).

'man bash', but i have to admit it's quite well hidden... :-)

hope it helps.


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