NL> when i use RedHat, i install some applications from the source
NL> file (tar.gz) in my home directory.  Is it possible with Debian to
NL> install in my home directory some debian package (.deb) ?

Not really.  But nothing's stopping you from taking source tarballs of
programs and building and installing them under your home directory,
just as you did under Red Hat.

(Hint: libraries under Debian are typically broken up into two
packages.  libfoo contains the files you need to run programs built
against the library, but you also need libfoo-dev to build programs.
If a configure script is complaining that it can't find a particular
library, you probably need to install the -dev package for it.)

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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