On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 01:18:43PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote: > on Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 08:31:18AM -0400, Rob Ransbottom ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote: > > On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Osamu Aoki wrote: > > > > > Just a thought and matter of taste, but... > > > > You may also embed commands near the start of your file: > > > > :vi set tabstops=4 showmatch: > > Is there a setting which allows a tab to indent by 4 chars, but leaves > tabstops at 8 chars, where most apps seem to expect to find them? > > I'm also curious as to the interaction between vim and indent, > particularly the ~/.indent.pro preferences file, in vim's 'cindent' > mode. I've found that with -kr4 set in my indent preferences file, I'm > getting the desired behavior in vim with autoindentation, but I'm not > convinced it's a causal relation.
probably (sts and ts, i'd say) but just so we're clear, anyone found recommending the MIXTURE of spaces AND tabs for indentation should be shot in the head. wanna indent two spaces at a time? fine -- use two spaces, then four, six, eight, ten... never two, four, six, tab, tab+2... ALWAYS spaces or ALWAYS tabs. any cross-breeding is bound for trouble. not that i have any opinions on the matter. -- DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #75 from USM Bish <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> : Do you want to have MUTT IGNORE PGP-SIGNED MESSAGES? To have mutt to *not* verify PGP-signed messages, you can shut it off by including set pgp_verify_sig = no in your ~/.muttrc Or you could use: set pgp_verify_sig = ask-no to have mutt prompt you each time a signed message comes up, with the default being not to verify. Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...