Stephen Gran <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
SG> I've forgotten how I set my user accounts so they can burn CD's as
SG> mortals.  I'm adding a new user, and these are the steps so far taken:
SG> ls -l /dev/scd0
SG> brwxrwxrwx    1 root     cdrom     11,   0 Feb 11  2001 /dev/scd0
SG> So - adduser jane cdrom
SG> Completes normally, but still no permission to write to drive.  I seem
SG> to remember that there are different /dev/ entries, one for reading and
SG> one for writing, and I can't remember what the one for writing is so
SG> that I can add poor jane to the correct group.  It seems to be
SG> brainfarts all around for me lately.

You also need to tweak the generic device, which is probably /dev/sga
or /dev/sg0 or something along those lines.  (And lives in a somewhat
hard-to-find place if you're using devfs, but so does the normal
device file that /dev/scd0 would be a symlink to.)  Interestingly, you
also need read access to the generic device to use cdparanoia.

David Maze         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
        -- Abra Mitchell

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