On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 03:38:21PM +0200, Danie Roux wrote: | On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 09:10:55AM -0400, dman wrote: | > On Wed, Sep 19, 2001 at 09:03:09PM -0600, Dave Thayer wrote: | > | On Tue, Sep 18, 2001 at 05:10:55PM -0700, Vineet Kumar wrote: | > | > * Steve Gran ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [010918 16:23]: | > | [...] | > | > > for. However, fbset 1024x760-60 works just fine. Am i just feeding the | > | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1st clue! | > | If fbset works then you must not be using the vesafb driver, all you | > | would get is an error message with vesafb | > | > What would allow fbset to work? I am curios since I recently started | > using the framebuffer stuff. I have an SiS6326 card so I think the | > vesafb driver is the only one I can use. | | Nah, you can use a SiS 6326 without vesafb on X3 and X4. What do you | use? I'll email you my config (old one, I no have a Trident woohoo!).
I know. I have X4 right now and it works if I boot in "vga" mode. I started looking at the framebuffer stuff when I tried to run quake. (See below for more details.) Actually by "only driver I can use" I really meant "only _framebuffer_ driver I can use". | Now if someone can help me get more than 10 fps on a voodoo2 in Quake 3 | I'll be happy! What sort of client are you running? (I don't really know much about Quake 3 in linux though) With Quake1 there are many different clients -- SVGAlib, X, 3dfx, GGI, (maybe more). I found the GGI client to be the best. It uses libggi as the layer by which to access the video hardware. Libggi has SVGAlib and X targets so you get both of those for free (if you want to try them), however I found both of those to be unsatisfactory (SVGA is palettized and looks ugly, X is too slow and can't keep mouse focus). The other most significant target is 'fbdev'. It can use the Linux framebuffer to access the hardware. With this I get good (considering the age) graphics and performance from Quake 1. It is really cool to try and start quake using the 'aa' (Ascii Art) target :-). The other advantages of using the framebuffer is I get the cool Tux logo during bootup and I get awesome screen real estate for mutt or other console stuff. The downside is I want 1024x768 for console (so the text is big enough) but 1280x1024 in X (so I get lots of space). Supposedly X is able to provide hardware acceleration on top of the framebuffer (and the framebuffer docs say that apps should be able to) but I haven't gotten it to work with my card yet. -D