
you should compile the USB keyboard support statically in the 2.4.9
kernel and not as a module (answer 'Y' and not 'M' when using 'make

Because compiling the 2.4.9 kernel has been a pain in the neck to me
(with that damned initrd stuff) I'll sketch here the basic steps you
should follow:

1) Under /usr/src/kernel-source-2.4.9
**make menuconfig ** and do your settings;

2) **make-kpkg clean;

3) **make-kpkg --revision=my.01 kernel_image;

4) Under /usr/src
**dpkg -i kernel-image-2.4.9-my.01_i386.deb
answering NO to the question about running lilo.

5) Now you should have a new kernel image in /boot and its modules in
Issue the command 'mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd-my.01 /lib/modules/2.4.9'
In /boot you'll now find initrd-my.01

6) Modify your lilo.conf adding the new kernel image (/boot/vmlinuz-2.4.9) and
   the line 'initrd=/boot/initrd-my.01' and run lilo.

That's all.


D. Hoyem [debian-user] <16/09/01 08:58 -0700>:
> Hi all
>   I have a PII 350 and recently upgraded to Woody. 
> Today I did a apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.9-586
> kernel-headers-2.4.9-586 and no problems with the
> install.  I added initrd=/boot/initrd to lilo.conf and
> then typed lilo, I also added "do_initrd = Yes" to 
> /etc/kernel-img.conf.  I did a shutdown -r now as root
> and booted into the new kernel.  In the dmesg that
> came up I noticed "AT keyboard not found" something to
> that effect, (I have a USB keyboard) and I was
> sucessful booting into the console mode.  I tried to
> log in as a user and was unable to type anything to
> the screen.  The only way that I know to get out of
> that is to do a hard shutdown, which I did.  I
> rebooted into my old kernel and looked at the
> config-2.4.9-586 file and usb kbrd=m so that appeared
> ok.  I looked at the /boot partation and my
> vmlinuz-2.4.9-586 looked like a notepad, so as root I
> changed the permissions to what there are on my
> vmlinuz-2.2.18pre21 on the exe and then rebooted to
> kernel-2.4.9-586.  No change.
>   I have tried to build my own kernel before and was
> not successful, so I figured I would try the
> preconfigured kernel from testing.
>   All help on resolving this would be appreciated.
> Thanks
> Don
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