On Wednesday Sep 12 16:38 David Purton wrote:

> ** Hurrah - woody upgraded to X4.1 and now it's broken :(
> ** 
> ** but in and odd way:
> ** 
> ** When I run startx it appears to run as normal except the screen is
> ** completely scrambled and unreadable.  Then if I either kill the X server
> ** (ctl+alt+bksp) or switch virtual consoles, the screen remains in the
> ** same scambled state.
> ** 
> ** Everything still goes - but I just can't see what I'm typing - as far as
> ** I can gather the only X related question I was asked during the upgrade
> ** was a keyboard type - and this doesn't seem to be the problem.
> ** 
> ** any thoughts?

Heavy! The only bad experience i had after upgrading from X4.0 to X4.1 in
Woody was, that some fonts of xfonts-base that was available in X4.0, now
in X4.1 are not available. So i had some fonts to change, to can read all.
Maybe this is also a problem for you?


Wer Käse mag, der futtert auch Füsse!


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