On Mon, Sep 10, 2001 at 02:42:05PM -0500, Philippe Cl?ri?  wrote:
> On Monday 10 September 2001 12:51, Daniel de los Reyes wrote:
> > Today I installed kylix open edition under Woody, but fonts on the gui
> > look tiny. MAybe something wrong with my font server? Anybody else?
> I have a similar problem. But only the popup and dropdown menus are affected. 
> The editor and the dialog boxes are all right. It all started after I 
> installed TrueType fonts and xfs-xtt. Can't offer a fix though but I plan to 
> look at it... eventually.
Yes, I have the same problem too :-(

If anyone solves it, please post it to the list and maybe even CC me

I'll try removing TTF fonts from my fontpath when I have some free

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