on Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 08:56:34AM -0700, Mike Egglestone ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 

In an off-list response, I might add.

I also consider it very poor form to post personal mail to lists.  In
some nations (Britain), this is a violation of copyright law.

> Hey,
> If you have trouble reading my emails, then don't.

That's pretty much what I'm telling you.  It's not just me, it's a slew
of other folk as well.  Many of whom have been around for a while, and
might have information regarding your problem.

> I use IMP as an emailer, and I'm no internet english prof.
> I just try and help people as best I can. If I can.
> I usually just read the email, and hit reply (all) if I can add
> some positive input. I understand little things, like not typing
> with caps lock on as it is refered to as shouting, but I don't have
> time to make my emails look perfect.

Not perfect, readable.  I believe the quoting guide I'd posted and you
quoted explains why this is a preferable form.

> Mike
> > Your comments are interesting, considered, and informative, but
> > are very difficult to read given the quoting and followup styles
> > you've chosen.  May I suggest the following style advocated in
> > the "Email Quoting" section of the Jargon File.



Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>          http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
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