On Fri, Sep 07, 2001 at 05:40:01PM +0000, Vittorio wrote:
| Ross Burton [debian-user] <06/09/01 21:45 +0100>:
| > Hi,
| > 
| > After noticing (thanks!) that kernel 2.4.x uses an initrd image I
| > managed to make it boot my Sid systems.
| > 
| I wonder if you can help me.
| In a previous post of mine I've detailed the problems I met in
| compiling kernel 2.4.9 but none told me how to compile 2.4.9 and
| that damned initrd (I've read everything about on that initrd to no
| avail).
| Could you please explain straightforwardly, step by step how you
| compiled your kernel?

Do this in the kernel-source directory.

(from the top of my head, see 'man make-kpkg' for more details)
$ fakeroot make-kpkg --with-config=xconfig --append-to-version=-local.1.0 
--revision=local.1.0 --initrd kernel-image

Then in the parent of that (/usr/src for me) you will have
kernel-image-2.4.9-local.1.0_local.1.0_i386.deb which you can install
using dpkg -i.  The reason for doubling the version is one is for the
kernel (the name of the image in /boot and the directory in
/lib/modules) and the other is for the Debian package (the version
column of 'dpkg -l').


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