On Thursday 06 September 2001 09:19 pm, Rahmat M. Samik-Ibrahim wrote: > Hello: > > I have switched from RH to Debian recently (for my desktop). Welcome!
> Unfortunately, I still have two pending problems which > I had taken for granted while I was using RH: > - turning on the sound sndconfig, the program RH generally uses to configure the soundcard, is packaged, but it's only in unstable(sid) while you're using stable(potato). Have you had any luck getting sound out as root? If so, it just means you've got a permission problem with your normal users, and you just need to add any users you want to get sound working to the "audio" group. If you don't have any sound out at all, another problem may just be that it's too quiet, so I'd try pumping up the volume with a mixer program. If it really is a problem with the kernel, you'll have to figure out which module it uses. I'd use the Linux Hardware Database, at http://lhd.zdnet.com to find which chipset it uses, and then use that as your guide to find which module to use. Someone more familiar with linux sound architecture (stuff like ALSA) could probably help you more with this. > - turning on the printer printer (my beloved ole' BJC-210SP) There's a bunch of printing options, but the one you're probably familiar with is printtool, the program RH uses to configure printers. This should be packaged for potato, I recommend downloading it. If you can't get that working, try CUPS. I'm guessing your printer is a Cannon (I always associate Bubble Jets with Cannon) so it may not work without extra filters, but those might be packaged already. If it's an HP, it's likely that it'll work. Try http://www.cups.org for more info on that. If that fails, try the magicfilter package. It's served me faithfully for years! > > I am currently using KDE on a potato 2.2r3. OK, I admit > that I have not done anything besides trying to understand > what the #@&^*&^* related HOWTO says. > > Is there any hitchhiker's guide floating around? URL? I highly recommend browsing/searching the debian mailing list archives. You'll find an enormous wealth of info there, far more than in any HOWTO. - David Nusinow [EMAIL PROTECTED]