
Okay, until I get kernel 2.4.x working to my satisfaction I've got to
live with kernel 2.2.x with it's poor non-autodetecting ne driver.

Maybe I've got slack with Mandrake 8 and it's wizzy kudzu (why doesn't
Debian use that?), but I'm used to "modprobe ne".

$ modprobe ne
device not found

$ modprobe ne io=0x260
no card found

It's there! Mandrake told me so!

$ modprobe ne io=0x260 irq=5
no card found

Argh!  :(

Does anyone have any tips to getting a no-name ISA NE?000 clone working
with Sid?  I does work fine as I rebooted to Mandrake and used it...

Thanks for any help,
Ross Burton

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