On Mon, 3 Sep 2001 15:40:15 +0000
p <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> debs,
> mtv plays mpg's, but i can't get it
> to play vcd's:
> cannot open cd-rom device: /dev/cdrom
>       permission denied
> check env variable mtv vcd device (see 
> "mtv -h" for help)
> any guidance would be appreciated.
> ia, t.

Yes, follow the advice of other posters about adding yourself to the
group "cdrom", say:

adduser your-user-name cdrom

But then why use the non-free mtv, when there are two great free Debian
alternatives for playing VCD's? (You need to be using at least
woody/testing, however.)

apt-get install smpeg-plaympeg
apt-get install xine

With smpeg-plaympeg, use command "plaympeg /dev/cdrom". One shortcoming
of plaympeg is that it can only play VCD's from start to finish, which
you can pause using OS commands (Ctrl-Z, etc). With xine, you might want
to wait for the new 0.5 series to make it to unstable. xine is
reportedly also able to play dvd's.

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