On Tue, 4 Sep 2001, Tao Liu wrote: > When kde2.2 is startup, > I find that port 18300 is opened. > what service listen on that port?
Hmm, I also found that after firing up kde there was a new port opened on my system. I my case that consistently was a port just above 1024. lsof -i TCP:<portnr> showed that this was kdeinit's doing. To make this stop I adjusted the file /usr/share/services/kxmlrpcd.desktop If remember correctly I had to comment the last three lines in that file. I have written a small, crude perl script to monitor just this sort of situation, maybe it's of some use to you. Remember to run it as root, since normally lsof can't be invoked by a plain user. ----------------- #!/usr/bin/perl use Sys::Hostname; #Show open TCP ports on this system $hostname = hostname(); ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $month, $year) = (localtime)[0..5]; printf "Open ports found at %02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d on $hostname:\n", $day, $month + 1, $year + 1900, $hour, $min, $sec; @lines = `netstat -a`; foreach $line (@lines){ if ($line =~ /LISTEN\s*$/){ chomp $line; push @listening, $line; print $line; } } #Now find out who owns the ports foreach $line (@listening){ $nonr = 0; ($port = $line) =~ s/^.*?:(\w+).*$/$1/; if ($port =~ /^[A-Za-z]+/){ open(PORTS, "/etc/services") || die "Could not read from /etc/services: $!\n"; @ports = (<PORTS>); @portnrs = grep /^$port/, @ports; if ($#portnrs >= 0){ $portnr = $portnrs[0]; chomp $portnr; $portnr =~ s/^.+?(\d+)\/.*$/$1/; print "Port $port ($portnr) is owned by: "; $port = $portnr; } else{ print "Port $port was not found in /etc/services (Can't use lsof on this one).\n"; $nonr++; } } else{ print "Port $port is owned by: "; } if (! $nonr){ $padding = ' ' x (length($port) + 19); @lines = `lsof -i TCP:$port`; $owner = ''; for ($i = 1; $i <= $#lines; $i++){ @owner = split /\s+/, $lines[$i]; $owner .= "$owner[0] (PID = $owner[1], USER = $owner[2])\n$padding"; } $owner =~ s/\n$padding$//m; print "$owner\n"; } } exit 0; ----------------- HTH Grx HdV -- Support bacteria - they're the only culture some people have. J.A. de Vries aka HdV Delft University of Technology Computing Centre Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]