Am 04. Sep, 2001 schwäzte tluxt so:

> Thanks for the confirmation.  I have just done that fix, and
> I think (after having several more errors, but just redoing
> "apt-get dist-upgrade" several times), I may have succeeded in
> getting upgraded to woody.  (At least my final a-g d-u did nothing
> but return me to a prompt, so I guess it thinks there is nothing left
> to do.  --  I hope that's a positive result. :~? )

It is :). BTW, if you were running into errors also run "dpkg --configure
-a" to make sure that everything that got installed also got configured.
Recently I've been needing that a lot :(.

> But, the point I was trying to make with my prior message is that I don't
> currently have the time to do the learning involved to determine if the
> fact I'm getting this error is indeed a bug, given that a previious poster
> said this should have been resolved by now.

Generally if an install breaks it's a bug. What I was trying to point out
though, is that there's another resource for finding out how to get around a
bug. You found the message you quoted, which was great. I just wanted to
point out another resource along with examples to show you that it can be


#  "... the social skills of a cow on acid." - der.hans

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