On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 03:48:04PM -0700, MRZ wrote:
> I wondered - has anyone has made any attempt at installing the freebie Kylix 
> IDE?
> According to the PREINSTALL readme, all distro's should be 
> able to run it though only a few specific ones are auto configured 
> (patched?)-  a feature not present for Debian.
> But then it says that "A bug in some versions of the glibc loader can cause 
> data
>        corruption during the dynamic loading and unloading of shared
>        objects..<snip>Systems which cannot upgrade to glibc 2.2 require
>        a patched version of glibc 2.1.2 or later."
> According to the test script included, everything else required I need
>  is present so I should be able to run Kylix if I get/apply the patch.
> Can someone please point me to what I need.

For kylix, I would upgrade (atleast partially) to woody, mainly libc6.

/  Ben Collins  --  ...on that fantastic voyage...  --  Debian GNU/Linux   \

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