> I'm looking for a study/comparison of RedHat vs Debian. We have a
>of boxes, some production, which run everything from RedHat 6.0 and newer.
>I'd like to look at converting to Debian stable but need to justify my
>before I can even formally suggest it. I've started listing my own
>reasons and issues but need more. Any good suggestions or comparisions
>already done?
I can't list any comparisons/studies, but I can offer you some facts...
- Debian will not overwrite your customized setup files without asking
- Library dependencies are handled automatically...should save some time
(time is $$$).
- Daemons restart with little or any interuption of service in upgrades.
- A base Debian install has few packages compared to a base Redhat install.
Fewer packages usually means fewer bugs. Thus, it should be easier to lock
down a base Debian system.
More stuff that might help...
- Hewlett Packard (HP) uses Debian (exclusively in the embedded
environment, not sure about desktop/server)
- Debian has very active chat and newsgroups (good support)
You might also want to research previous debian-user mailing list posts as
this thread pops up every 6 months or so. Go to
http://lists.debian.org/search.html and read up:)