On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 06:21:09PM +0100, Pedro Braga wrote:
>   hello, I experienced the same problem as you did and solved it with
> the pipe(pr=|/usr/bin/lpr -Plp).
>   But I have another problem, I don't know a thing of Mac OS!!!
>   The problem is:
>         * I have an Epson stylus color 3000 on my Debian box
>         * the client is a G4
>         * I've downloaded the PPD from Adobe for Epson3000
>         * the papd.conf has:  "...:pd=/usr/share/lib/ppd/EP_30001.PPD:"
>         * G4 "sees" the printer
>     but, when I print something the printer prints the Postscript code -
> yes, the letters!!!
>     I also have the printer driver for Mac, but I can't (read "don't
> know") use it for printer!!
>     I appreciate some kind of help, if you understand anything I
> wrote... :)

afraid i won't be much help -- i've not used any printing
resources, at all, period, zero, on debian. ever. since the dawn
of time. ever. ever.

i know the mac upside and down, and i'm reasonably comfy with
much of the debian universe (maybe not most, but much). part of
what's not in my debian comfort zone, is printing.

i do, however, have a suggestion -- ask the folks at debian-user
(i've forwarded this to the list via CC:) and see what crops up.
there's a much better chance you'll get a hit there.

Wondering how to SELECT YOUR DEFAULT TEXT EDITOR?  You can set
your prefered editor with:
        update-alternatives --config editor
Also it helps to set your EDITOR environment variable:
        export EDITOR=`which vim`

Also see http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...

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