On Mon, Aug 27, 2001 at 06:26:41PM -0700, Karsten M. Self wrote: | I'm starting to play with C a bit. Discovering some nice things in vim. | | I know that there's an 'au' and 'augroup' commands, and that a number of | vim settings can be configured using these. I'm not sure what current | settings exist for C program files (matching pattern *.c), or how I | should use these settings to enable appropriate settings for programming | support. | | In particular, I'd like to enable syntax highlighting, and maybe get | some ideas of what I should change to make things a bit more readable | (some of my screen colors are very hard to read, particularly blue, also | red, bolding them should help a lot).
You want something like the following : augroup C au! au FileType c syntax on " You can also specify stuff like the cool auto-indenting feature " and a length of the lines, or tab appearance au FileType c set ai si cin tw=80 fo=croq au FileType c set ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 et autocmd FileType c set comments=sr:/*,mb:*,ex:*/ augroup END For those trying to set vim properties for mail messages only, the easiest way is with the 'mail' type, as follows : au! FileType mail set tw=70 fo=tcq Personally I prefer having a dark background an light foreground. With gnome-terminal (or other xterms) this is set in it's config, but for gvim the following line sets it right : highlight Normal guibg=black guifg=grey90 A side effect of that, as Karsten pointed out, is that much of the syntax highlighting is dark and doesn't contrast well. The solution is to put : set background=dark " makes syntax highlighing lighter before calling "syntax on". If you put it after calling "syntax on" it will have no apparent effect. A side effect of this, though, is if you use a black-on-white terminal you will have a hard time seeing the really bright colors against the white background. If you use "set bg=light" followed by "syn on" you can correct that situation. HTH, -D