Lo, on Friday, August 24, Karsten M. Self did write: > on Fri, Aug 24, 2001 at 08:49:36AM -0500, Richard Cobbe ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) > wrote: > > Lo, on Friday, August 24, Karsten M. Self did write: > > > > > --kunpHVz1op/+13PW > > > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii > > > Content-Disposition: inline > > > Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable > > > > Why doesn't the debian-user-digest list handle this right? > > Hmm...not sure. I'm one of those cuss'ed mutt/GPG users though...
True, but I don't think this is your fault. I've previously been subscribed to the non-digest form of debian-users (same MUA), and I never had any problems with your email messages. Your GPG signature showed up either inline or as a MIME attachment (I don't remember exactly) and I didn't notice any quoted-printable crud in your message body. I think the digest software munges the MIME headers, or something. Whatever. > The gconf bug has been a recurring one in 0.11 and 0.12 releases. I'm > clean with 0.11.5, if you want to give it another shot. Again, you may > want to consider moving up to Woody or Sid. 0.11.5 works fine, with but one exception. It can't handle the (presumably non-standard) Javascript navigation tools at the top of my company's internal web page. I've suggested that they reduce their use of Javascript on the intranet, but that's apparently uncool. You'd think that they'd at least provide a text-only navigation area as an alternative, but this too eludes them. <grumble> I'm currently cutting and pasting these URLs from Netscape into my Galeon bookmark file. I've only been using Galeon for a few hours now, and I must say I'm quite impressed. If 0.11.5 is this good, I can't wait for 1.0! Thanks much, Richard -- /"\ \ / X ASCII RIBBON CAMPAIGN / \ AGAINST HTML MAIL