moin, moin,

luckily we're all debian at work. Makes life really, really easy admin-wise.

We are now, however, needing to get serious about making sure config changes
get rolled out as appropriate. In previous gigs I've used roll your own
packages. At one place, however, we had an admin using cfengine. Looks
interesting, but even I know enough to not consider des encrypted :). It
also mightily takes away from the wonderful, simple file structure
configuration that *NIX has[1].

Anything out there that anyone wants to recommend? Anything that works
really well with debian? Not often that I get a homogenious Linux network to
play with :).

To give a better idea of what I'm looking for, here's what I was thinking
about doing if I don't find something:

Config files go in cvs. Use unison ( similar to rsync, but detects changes
on the client side instead of just wiping them out ) to push out changes
to admins' user space. Use ssh to kick off make or shell script that does
customization, e.g. tosses local hostname in hosts, MTA config, etc. End of
script uses sudo to push out any files that have changed into /etc.

In one case multiple boxen will be configged from the nfs server as we have
a bunch of boxen that run diskless.



PS This one'll give the Euros first peck at answering it ;-).

[1] Yeah, it would be almost perfect if all those config files would at
least use similar syntax. Maybe even agree on how to comment things out.
Ah, perchance to dream... :)

#  I've got a photographic memory,
#  but I'm lousy photographer. - der.hans

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