On Mon, Aug 13, 2001 at 10:52:18PM +0200, Guy Geens wrote:
> Kernels before 2.4.7 had a bug in the swap code, leading to the
> behaviour you described. 2.4.7 is better, but apparently it doesn't
> fix things completely.
> Try upgrading to 2.4.8.

Thanks for the info and your suggestion, but it doesn't seem to change
things.  I have noticed under 2.4.8 that in-use swap space doesn't grow as
rapidly as 2.4.7, but the problem persists.  Perhaps I should take this up
with the linux-kernel list?

# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        127404     101068      26336          0       2104      37688
-/+ buffers/cache:      61276      66128
Swap:       262136      61892     200244
# swapon -s
Filename                        Type            Size    Used    Priority
/swap                           file            262136  61892   5   
# swapoff /swap
# free      
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:        127404     116096      11308          0       2112      37696
-/+ buffers/cache:      76288      51116        
Swap:            0          0          0
# uname -a
Linux hork 2.4.8 #8 Mon Aug 13 19:31:09 EDT 2001 i686 unknown

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