On Sun, Aug 19, 2001 at 01:46:29PM -0700, 'cduck' Chris Grierson wrote:
| i am going crazy trying to get to the bottom of things with this.
| i see a million postings of ppl getting the same error, but i
| can't figure out any solution to my situation.

JDK 1.1.x is kinda stupid because it can't find the builtin stuff on
its own.  You have to include classes.zip in the CLASSPATH environment
variable or in the -classpath option.  (If you don't specify a
-classpath option jdk1.1.8 can find classes.zip on its own).  The
1.2.2 and newer JDKs are smarter because they can find the builtin
stuff (renamed to rt.jar) on its own even when you specify some other
things with the -classpath option.


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